Saturday, September 10, 2016

Week 3 Sept. 5-9

We're still going strong! We had a good week, if you ignore the Thursday, which was our first pep-rally. The kids were beyond excited.

Monday- Holiday

Tuesday- I had the kids to their first "look it up in your journal" review. They did pretty good one it. Hopefully, this was a good introduction into using their journal as a resource.

Wednesday- The kids took their Scientific Method and Lab Tools Quiz. Grades started out not so great, but got better as the day went on. Is this because my teaching gets better as the day goes on, or because my honors students are mixed into the last two class periods? The world may never know!

Thursday- I had intended for us to do a comic strip for the Scientific Method unit, but since we took so long on the quiz yesterday, one day was not enough to complete it. Instead, we went over the quiz and watched the Bill Nye on the States of Matter (since properties of matter is our next unit)

Friday- We started our first vocabulary! I had a slideshow that we went through one slide at a time, and the kids filled in the blanks in their notes. Then, we went back and drew pictures for each word. The kids seemed to enjoy it, and they had plenty of great questions, especially about solubility.

(I'll upload a picture next week, I forgot to take one before I fled the school for the weekend!)

I can't believe we're 3 weeks into the year already. Progress reports come out Monday! Time is flying by so quickly, and I sure hope it continues to do so! These are some great kids, and I still think this year is going to be great.

~Ms. Kat

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