Sunday, September 4, 2016

Week 20 Aug 29-Sept 2

I am liking these kiddos more and more. They're such a refreshing change from the chaos and disrespect that marked last year's group.

Monday- We played Safety SCOOT! The kids seemed to enjoy it better than a sit-down review. This year's group was so QUIET! I barely had to shush anyone!

None of the classes got to answer all 21 questions, and I had anticipated this, so I had copies of the review (with all questions and answers) ready to hand out. They were asked to check their answers and study the study guide as homework.

Tuesday- We took our Safety Quiz. They did great!

After, I introduced HAPPIER. This year, I'm starting them off with it and using it on ALL homework throughout the year. I can see the difference already. I just finished grading this week's homework (15 Q's out of our Textbook's STAAR practice guide) and most of them missed 3 or less! I don't even have words how much of an improvement that is over last year! I'm very excited about this!

Wednesday- We began the Scientific Method. Once again, no one had ever heard of it!

We did some hilighting/boxing in/starring in the notes, then I pulled up a Glencoe Virtual Lab and we did a practice experiment to go through all the steps.

Thursday- The annual "I planned too much and we barely got to do anything" day. I had intended to teach them to use triple beam balances, spring scales, thermometers (which I could not find!) and rulers. They ended up measuring 2 things on the TBB and one on the Spring Scale. Oh well.

Friday- We had our FIRST LAB! The kids were pumped. It was a bit rushed, sadly. The kids are still moving slowly through their bellwork, so it took us a while to get going. However, once they got into the lab, they did great! This was my first time to use the job role necklaces I made last year, and they helped SO MUCH. I'll discuss these in my "What i'm doing different" post (coming soon!)

The lab was a simple one...which side of a penny will hold the most water? But I told them it wasn't about the content, it was to practice the scientific method steps. They still had a blast.

This year is really shaping up to be great! Can't wait for things to really get started with our first unit in week 4!

~Ms. Kat

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