Sunday, September 4, 2016

Doing things differently

Ok, so here's a running list of the things I'm trying new this year. I'll update it here if I add anything.

Classroom Management:

1. Classcraft
This year I'm trying Classcraft. It's like classdojo, but more like dungeons and dragons/rpg style.

You can give Experience Points to kids for doing good things. I've been giving out points for everyone in a class having their homework done, everyone being ready to start class 3 minutes after the bell rings, pushing in chairs in the cafeteria, answering questions, etc.

You can take away HP for doing bad things. I haven't used this yet, and I'm not sure I'm going to.

The kids earn XP to level up. As they level, they can gain new reward options (sitting with a friend, picking a group member, snack pass).

2. Stop signs

I found these nifty stop signs online. I edited them to suit my purposes. On one side, they say "STOP" and the other has a checklist of things they could be doing to break the rules (blurting out, out of seat, disrupting others, disrespect). So when someone does something, I check what they did wrong, set it on their desk, and they usually straighten out really quickly.

Our grade-wide behavior system this year has 4 tiers
Warning (I use stop signs for this)
Pull  A slip (behavior correction slips, they have to sign their name)
Copy an Essay (from my ever-expanding essay binder, they have to get it signed)
Office Referral

3. Be Ready

My kids have 5 things they must do to "Be Ready" for class.

1. Grab papers (notes, worksheets, etc)
2. Get Journal
3. Copy Agenda
4. Do warmup
5. Glue Pages in journal

I didn't do a warmup last year, we never had time. This year I'm making it a priority. I make the warmup question about whatever the topic was they day prior. They also have an exit question for each day about what they learned that day. I print the warmup/exit question front/back and now staple it to their homework.

4. Homework

I'm asking them to do HAPPIER on every question on their homework. We are grading daily instead of only Wednesdays and Fridays

5. Recess

We had to take recess away from last year's group, but we're trying it with this years group in the hopes it sticks. We only do recess on Fridays as a reward for having a good week.

Throughout the week, anyone who gets a slip or acts up too much gets a C in their agenda book gets 5 minutes off of recess. If someone doesn't do their homework, it's up to the teacher how much time they owe. In my class, they owe 5 minutes for each day that was not done (since we have a little each day). If you're missing an assignment from anyone, you don't go out at all, even once the assignment is made up.

It worked well this week. Some of the kids were really bothered that they had to stay in. Hoping this will help encourage them to take care of business!

6. No zeroes
Our new P and VP started this at the high school a while back. It works differently in 8th grade since they don't have study skills, but in 5th, we submit all missing assignments on Thursday by noon. They go to google spreadsheet and our VP is supposed to call their parents (and so are we, really). The students HAVE to do the work, though we don't HAVE to grade it if it's more than 3 days late. Anyone who gets submitted doesn't go to recess on Friday.

7. Restroom policy

At the beginning of each 6-weeks, students get a restroom pass sheet stapled into their agenda. They have a box for each week of the 6-weeks. (7 for a 7-weeker, 5 for a 5 weeker). They can use them whenever. BUT, if they don't use them, they get rewarded at the end of the 6-weeks. They can trade their unused boxes for prizes on the last day of the 6-weeks, so the less they use, the more rewards they get.

Students must use a pass except during the following times:
Before school
During Lunch
During Study Skills
During Rotation

So far it's working well.

8. Last day of the 6-weeks

The last day of our 6-weeks periods are Early  Release days. The science department decided to do our required benchmark tests on these days. The 5th grade has agreed to have ALL students test in 1st period that day, and then we begin the fun festivities. I'm not sure what exactly we're doing yet, but it will probably involve games, movies, and snacks.

~Ms. Kat

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