Saturday, February 27, 2016

Week 22- February 8-12

It's been a long few weeks. On Curriculum day, I could feel i was starting to get sick. I fought it for a few days, getting worse and worse. Wednesday, I lost my voice, and had to improvise. I typed and wrote everything. The kids were remarkably great though. Very quiet and respectful. They thought it was fun, and asked if we could do this all the time!

Monday- Interactions with the environment. We took notes on how biotic factors interact with abiotic factors. The kids then had to brainstorm how they interact with these factors day-to-day

Tuesday- We talked about photosynthesis. I came up with my own notes, and used a Photosynthesis Leaf Model. I didn't want us to do any cutting/pasting because that takes FOREVER, so I had the kid place their leaf under page 122 and trace it. Then, they pasted the leaf on top of the traced leaf. We wrote the ingredients on top, and the products below.

Wednesday- The day I lost my voice. Hence the large amounts of random writing on the output page = )
We "talked" about producers, consumers, and decomposers. The kids then had to sort random organisms into categories. 

 Thursday- I took off to go to the doctor. I left my kids with a vocab quiz and a worksheet out of the Big Idea Science 5th grade book.

Friday- I introduced food chains, and the labels for diets (herbivore, carnivore, omnivore). The kids then did a practice page to see if they could build a food chain.

I'll be catching up over the past few weeks. Look for more soon!

~Ms. Kat

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