Saturday, November 26, 2016

Week 12 November 7-11

My favorite part of the fall: CAST convention!

Monday: Work day. We had lead4ward come in for a 1/2 day training on data reports in eduphoria (hella useful) and 1/2 curriculum day.

Tuesday: We worked with our new vocabulary.

Wednesday- I fled to the sanity of San Antonio while my kids took their Benchmark. Results were not as good as I'd hoped. However, thanks to those eduphoria reports, I can say we have improved over last year's actual STAAR results, so there's that.

Thursday-My kids did a measuring up on Alternative Energy. I re-worded some of the questions to make it more do-able, as they always have trouble understanding what the question is asking.

Friday- The school board was, naturally, coming today when I'm gone. I left my kids with instructions to create a study device for their vocab quiz (flash cards or a flipbook or something). I got a text about 10 minutes into the day from my aide saying she'd had to fuss at the kids 3 times.

I asked her to put me on speakerphone. Fortunately that wasn't necessary. She relayed my disappointed and angry words to them and they shut right up.

Do you know how powerful it feels to be able to quiet a room of kids from 5 hours away? ULTIMATE POWER! *maniacal laughter*

Anyhoo, only one more week to catch up on. Yay.

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