Sunday, October 23, 2016

Week 9 October 17-21 2016

Ah, a much more peaceful week. I didn't have to give anyone a conduct mark. I only had to re-arrange one thing because APPARENTLY all the batteries in the entire science department were older than the kids I'm teaching. No big.

Monday- We learned the parts of a circuit, and made a giant human circuit using an energy stick.

Tuesday- We Talked about Series vs. Parallel Circuits and identified them. I taught the kids to put their pencil down on the negative end of the battery and trace through a load back to the positive end. If you can do that without picking up your pencil, that load will work.

Wednesday- Originally intended as Circuit Lab day, I had to think fast. My thought was a Bill Nye on forces since we never seem to have enough time to spend on it. They also did a worksheet that went with the video, and we had just enough time to go over it!

Thursday- We talked about forces, balanced and unbalanced. I also made sure to mention that scientific "Work" is when you use a force AND MOVE something.

We also spent time going over force experiments, and learning about variables and controls.

Friday- We did the circuits lab. There were a lot of flubs, especially early on when I realized I'd put too much energy in some circuits, causing bulbs to blow. I had to use whatever batteries I could. Oh well, lesson learned.

If we can get through the next week, It's all downhill from here.

Week 11- Test week
Week 12- CAST
Week 13- regular
Week 14- Regular
Week 15- Lots of labs
Week 16- Test and Shangri La field trip
Week 17- 3 days of whatever I can find to keep them busy.

~Ms. Kat

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