Sunday, October 9, 2016

Week 6 September 26-30

Woah, business! That "switching grading periods" time always catches me off guard.

Week 6 was pretty unique. I tried some new things and they went splendidly!

Monday- The kids worked on their review using their science journal. So much more self-reliant than last year. I didn't get a single "I can't find it."

Tuesday- The kids did a lab on separating mixtures.  There were 3 stations.

1. Potting Soil and Iron washers (using a magnet)

2. Sand and Water (using a funnel, funnel paper a.k.a. paper napkins, and a beaker)

3. Sand and pebbles (using a sieve)

The kiddos really enjoyed it.

Wednesday- We all got logged into google classroom (my first time using it!) to prepare for tomorrow.

Then we played Quizziz. Each class got to play 3 rounds. The first two were practice, the third was for prizes for the top 3 point earners in each class.

They.Loved.It. I'm sold.

Here's a link

Thursday- The kiddos took their Matter unit Test.
Due to last-minute decision making and implementation from admin, my kids also had to take their benchmark test during study skills today.

They didn't do as well as i'd hoped. But when I added in the ones who didn't pass by 1 question, we did rather amazingly. Add the kids who didn't pass by 2, and we knocked it out of the park. The first unit is the hardest, so I expect next time to be far superior.

Friday- The last day of the 6-weeks. An early release day. Fun Friday.

We watched BBC's Africa. The kids really enjoyed it, as usual. After lunch, we gave out rewards for restroom passes, and then split up to watch movies. We actually only had 2 going, as the bulk of the kids owed at least a little bit of time in detention. Still, we had fun. If the popcorn machine hadn't been broken, we'd have had popcorn to go around too!

6 weeks down. 30 to go!

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