Sunday, October 9, 2016

Week 7 October 4-7 2016

Wow, the kiddos had a really good week! We started our Energy/Forces/Motion unit this week.

Monday- Teacher workday

Tuesday- The science department decided to start giving out Pre-Tests at the beginning of each unit. I want to show growth in my students, not just how well they can take a test.

The kids did predictably bad on it. Then again, I did have a few honors kids get ALL 10 RIGHT even though I have taught them nothing about energy yet. Looks like my HAPPIER strategy is useful!

Wednesday- We completed our Energy unit vocab definitions and pictures. The kids tended to agree that this unit feels a bit easier than the previous one.

Thursday- We covered 4 of the forms of Energy today: Light, Thermal, Sound, and Nuclear (It doesn't fit with alternative energy, nor with fossil fuels, so I stuck it here).

Friday- We covered the other 4 forms of Energy: Potential, Kinetic, Chemical, and Electrical. I also tried something new today for questions. While I adore their curiosity, constant questions get us off track, breed more questions like a virus, and give people an opportunity to get off task. Today, when they raised their hand I gave them a stick note and they wrote their question down.

*I didn't glue these into my journal before I left Friday. Oops*

I went through an entire package of sticky notes. Wow. I'm going to have to find a better solution.

Have a great 2nd 6-weeks!
~Ms. Kat

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