Saturday, December 12, 2015

Week 10- October 26-30

Somehow, I got off in my lesson plans. I believe that the lab I posted for last Friday was actually done on Monday the 26th. That's what I get for not updating my eduphoria *face palm*

Monday- See last Friday's entry

Tuesday- We talked about light and sound waves, and compared how they moved.

I didn't have a side activity that went with this lesson, unfortunately. We spent our “output” time catching up on missing work and doing homework

Wednesday-We took notes on reflection and refraction. We also covered words like Transparent, Opaque, and Translucent.

Today's output was really fun, but complicated (execution-wise). I gave each group two folders, 3 mirrors, and a laser pointer (I found mine at Walmart, they are part pen, part stylus, part laser, over by the office supplies)

The kids had to set the folders up according to the diagram, and use the mirrors to guide the laser in one side and out the other, projecting it on the back wall. They had a difficult time until they learned to take it one mirror at a time, and angle them level with the desk (not pointing up or down)

Thursday -  We worked on our review. The kids didn't remember how to utilize their science notebooks to complete it (despite the fact that the review is in exact order, and they have a self-created, teacher-guided table of contents), so I had to go over it again.

Friday- HOLIDAY!

I'm carving out some time today, so expect a number of posts to pop up.

Hope your last week before the Holiday break goes well!
~Ms. Kat

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