Saturday, December 12, 2015

Week 13-November 16-20

Monday- We did a lab on the rock cycle.

We took crayons, and the kids used pennies to shave pieces from them. I used 3 colors at each station.

The kids shaved about half a crayon each, combined their shavings, and dumped them in aluminum foil.

They then squashed the shavings inside the foil. This created sedimentary rock. They took a sample.

They then squashed the remaining shavings harder and heated them up using their hands and hot breath. They took a second sample.

They then brought the foil to me, and I dunked it into a beaker of boiling water. After making sure it was cool enough, I handed it back to them to squash more. They took their final sample.

The kids really enjoyed this lab.

Tuesday- I got called into ARDs all day, so I left my sub with a rock cycle quiz.
I gave the kids a copy of the completed rock cycle and asked them questions like:
How does sedimentary rock become metamorphic rock?
When magma cools and hardens, what does it become?

Wednesday- We took notes on fossils and fossil fuels. The kid then read a short story and had to draw a 4-step diagram on the formation of coal. I used this lesson from The Science Penguin

Thursday- We have SO MANY kids that needed ARDs, we had to spend a second day on them. I left my kids with a video. I can't for the life of me remember which one.

Friday- I cannot for the life of me remember what we did on this day!

Two more weeks and I'll be all caught up!
~Ms. Kat

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