Sunday, October 23, 2016

Week 9 October 17-21 2016

Ah, a much more peaceful week. I didn't have to give anyone a conduct mark. I only had to re-arrange one thing because APPARENTLY all the batteries in the entire science department were older than the kids I'm teaching. No big.

Monday- We learned the parts of a circuit, and made a giant human circuit using an energy stick.

Tuesday- We Talked about Series vs. Parallel Circuits and identified them. I taught the kids to put their pencil down on the negative end of the battery and trace through a load back to the positive end. If you can do that without picking up your pencil, that load will work.

Wednesday- Originally intended as Circuit Lab day, I had to think fast. My thought was a Bill Nye on forces since we never seem to have enough time to spend on it. They also did a worksheet that went with the video, and we had just enough time to go over it!

Thursday- We talked about forces, balanced and unbalanced. I also made sure to mention that scientific "Work" is when you use a force AND MOVE something.

We also spent time going over force experiments, and learning about variables and controls.

Friday- We did the circuits lab. There were a lot of flubs, especially early on when I realized I'd put too much energy in some circuits, causing bulbs to blow. I had to use whatever batteries I could. Oh well, lesson learned.

If we can get through the next week, It's all downhill from here.

Week 11- Test week
Week 12- CAST
Week 13- regular
Week 14- Regular
Week 15- Lots of labs
Week 16- Test and Shangri La field trip
Week 17- 3 days of whatever I can find to keep them busy.

~Ms. Kat

Week 8 October 10-14 2016

Naturally, the good week we had last week (and my mentioning it) brought about a bad week. The kids lost their damn minds this week. It's that part of the October grind. Also, the full moon was approaching, which might have something to do with their behavior.

Monday-  Forms of Energy Lab. I knew there was NO WAY we could get through all 6 lab stations during the class, so I did more of a demonstration-style lab. I called for volunteers to help during most stations.

Tuesday- UGH picture day snuck up on me. My 1st period barely got in the door before we rotated to 2nd. I had to move their lesson on Alternative Energy back to Friday (thus preventing them from doing the project). Everyone else learned about the 4 forms of alternative energy.

Wednesday- The kids took their Vocab Quiz. We also had enough time to go over their benchmarks from the 1st 6-weeks.

Thursday- Two of my classes got to do the project I had scheduled. We were supposed to make wind socks. Each student was assigned 2 forms of energy. Each was supposed to go on a strip of colored paper with the name of the form, two facts, and 2 picture examples. They did really well!

My first period (because of picture day) and the other 3 classes had to do BOOKWORK. They were so awful the first 3 days of the week, I felt they owed me silence to make up for all the talking.

Friday- My project classes finished the wind socks.
My badly behaved classes finished their book work and wrote an apology letter. I told them I'm keeping the letters and the next time they act a fool, I'm sending it home with a strongly worded letter, which will need to be signed and returned. I think I put the fear of science into them

And, naturally, I got called into the principals office Monday because one of the kids (whose mom teaches Science at our high school) got all butthurt about me assigning a class-wide essay. And to make matters worse, she broke the teacher code of common decency and went over my head and straight to the Vice Principal. I have many strongly worded names to call her, but this blog is not the place for such crass language.

Next week it'll be time to dive into circuits!

~Ms. Kat

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Week 7 October 4-7 2016

Wow, the kiddos had a really good week! We started our Energy/Forces/Motion unit this week.

Monday- Teacher workday

Tuesday- The science department decided to start giving out Pre-Tests at the beginning of each unit. I want to show growth in my students, not just how well they can take a test.

The kids did predictably bad on it. Then again, I did have a few honors kids get ALL 10 RIGHT even though I have taught them nothing about energy yet. Looks like my HAPPIER strategy is useful!

Wednesday- We completed our Energy unit vocab definitions and pictures. The kids tended to agree that this unit feels a bit easier than the previous one.

Thursday- We covered 4 of the forms of Energy today: Light, Thermal, Sound, and Nuclear (It doesn't fit with alternative energy, nor with fossil fuels, so I stuck it here).

Friday- We covered the other 4 forms of Energy: Potential, Kinetic, Chemical, and Electrical. I also tried something new today for questions. While I adore their curiosity, constant questions get us off track, breed more questions like a virus, and give people an opportunity to get off task. Today, when they raised their hand I gave them a stick note and they wrote their question down.

*I didn't glue these into my journal before I left Friday. Oops*

I went through an entire package of sticky notes. Wow. I'm going to have to find a better solution.

Have a great 2nd 6-weeks!
~Ms. Kat

Week 6 September 26-30

Woah, business! That "switching grading periods" time always catches me off guard.

Week 6 was pretty unique. I tried some new things and they went splendidly!

Monday- The kids worked on their review using their science journal. So much more self-reliant than last year. I didn't get a single "I can't find it."

Tuesday- The kids did a lab on separating mixtures.  There were 3 stations.

1. Potting Soil and Iron washers (using a magnet)

2. Sand and Water (using a funnel, funnel paper a.k.a. paper napkins, and a beaker)

3. Sand and pebbles (using a sieve)

The kiddos really enjoyed it.

Wednesday- We all got logged into google classroom (my first time using it!) to prepare for tomorrow.

Then we played Quizziz. Each class got to play 3 rounds. The first two were practice, the third was for prizes for the top 3 point earners in each class.

They.Loved.It. I'm sold.

Here's a link

Thursday- The kiddos took their Matter unit Test.
Due to last-minute decision making and implementation from admin, my kids also had to take their benchmark test during study skills today.

They didn't do as well as i'd hoped. But when I added in the ones who didn't pass by 1 question, we did rather amazingly. Add the kids who didn't pass by 2, and we knocked it out of the park. The first unit is the hardest, so I expect next time to be far superior.

Friday- The last day of the 6-weeks. An early release day. Fun Friday.

We watched BBC's Africa. The kids really enjoyed it, as usual. After lunch, we gave out rewards for restroom passes, and then split up to watch movies. We actually only had 2 going, as the bulk of the kids owed at least a little bit of time in detention. Still, we had fun. If the popcorn machine hadn't been broken, we'd have had popcorn to go around too!

6 weeks down. 30 to go!