Sunday, January 3, 2016

Week 15- December 7-11

Monday- We took notes on Landforms. I made sure to cover moraines, because it rarely snows/ices here and I'm sure they'd never even learned what a glacier really was, much less how it could move (I was right).

Tuesday- We did the first part of a 2-day lab. This half covered mostly Weathering and erosion. In the lab procedures, I decided not to do the "bonus station" because that is a part of tomorrow's lab (oops!)

The kids had 3 stations.
1. Mechanical weathering
2. Chemical Weathering
3. Water erosion

Wednesday- We did the second part of the 2-day lab. Today was mostly about landform creation. If you can't see it, I marked out station 2 because that was essentially what we'd done on yesterday's lab (oops again)
1. Sand dunes
2. Moraines
3. Beaches

Thursday- My students completed their Unit review. Here is a copy.

Friday- Our local dance group does a yearly production of Whimsical Christmas. It's like all of the doctor seuss stories put together in a dance musical. I saw it last year with the 7th graders and loved it. I took dance for years, so I have an appreciation of things like this. The kids were just glad to get out and do something.

After, we came back, ate lunch in our rooms (it was past time for us to eat and there were other kids int he cafeteria). We spent the rest of the day outside. The kids had an absolute blast and wore themselves out!

~Ms. Kat

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