Friday, September 25, 2015

Week 5- September 21-25

This was a week of gross bodily fluids. One of my students threw up in the trashcan next to my desk. The following day, while I was subbing for a 6th grade class, a girl had a massive nosebleed. Ugh.

Instruction went fairly well though.


We covered freezing and boiling point. We needed a little more practice in reading thermometers, especially when the lines are at different integers.


We took a quiz on the unit so far. The kids mostly did well. Some classes averaged a low A or high B. I was super proud, considering I was using questions from the TEKS resource system!


We covered solubility, including solutes and solvents. I told them to remember it as solUte, U got dissolved.
We did a mini-lab (demonstration) where we tested to see if salt would dissolve in water and vegetable oil.


We learned about mixtures and compounds. After notes, we read a story that I wrote, and the kids had to highlight any mixtures they found. They were pretty good at finding them! (sorry for my toe, the page wasn't stuck down properly!)

We finished up the unit (new info at least) with Solutions. We compared mixtures to solutions, then did another mini-lab. I set 4 M&Ms in a plastic container with a bit of water in it. We watched the sugar dissolve over 3 minutes. I had them start work on their Unit Review while we waited for the rest of the sugar to dissolve. When the M's floated up, we discussed how density can affect solubility, and how the mixture was still just a mixture. I stirred it up and took the M&Ms out and we decided that it was now a solution.

It was a great week, minus being puked and bled on. I think the kids are really getting physical properties. They have a unit test on Matter next week, so I guess we'll see!

~Ms. Kat

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