Saturday, September 19, 2015

Week 4- September 14-18

One of these days, I'm going to stop being surprised at how quickly the time is passing.

This week we started our first "real" unit (not counting lab safety and the scientific method).


Mass, Weight, and Volume. We took notes on a foldable, then did a Venn Diagram Together.


States of Matter. We took more quick notes (the kids and I are really liking the 10 minute notes), and then Watched the Brainpop on matter changing states. They filled in the companion Worksheet, and we went over it together.


Density. More notes, this time on a pyramid! I then had them make a prediction on which order a few liquids would fall when placed together. I then poured the liquids together to create a density column, and they checked their predictions. I believe we also watched the brainpop on Buoyancy (since they don't have one strictly on density).


Conductors and Insulators. Very short notes, that took longer than intended as I decided to discuss how electrons flow. I know we'll go over it again during Circuits, but I felt like they needed to know what makes something conductive (the density of its atoms). Insulators tend to have atoms that are less dense.

I then created a simple circuit and had the kids predict which ones would conduct electricity. I placed the objects into the circuit and we checked their predictions.


A busy, busy day. I should know better than to have anything else planned on a quiz day. The kids took their vocabulary quiz. After, we rushed through notes on Magnetism. My earlier classes go to do the activity where they once again predicted whether objects would be magnetic or not. My later classes (which are always behind) will catch up on Monday.

I'm ready for October to be over, and September isn't even done yet. Drill team is sucking so much out of my week. At least I don't have UIL this year. I'm also in the midst of buying a house (yay place of my own!) and impatiently awaiting the appraisal. We were supposed to close yesterday, but the bank is taking forever.

Hope your first month went well,
~Ms. Kat

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