Sunday, November 15, 2015

Week 8- October 12-16

Wow, it's been ages since I've posted! Things got so terribly busy at the end of football season, and I finally moved into my own place! I'll be posting the past month or so worth of lessons to catch up.

Monday- Forms of Energy Lab

Today I sent the kids to the stations to experience the various forms of energy in action. Here's the lab sheet I created. Forms of Energy Lab

Tuesday - We did a Measuring Up on the Forms of Energy

Wednesday -  Students began a 2-day project. Their goal was to make a wind-sock. I assigned each student 2 forms of energy, and gave them 2 strips of paper (I cut a piece of construction paper into fourths, shortways) They had to write:
1. The name of the Form of Energy
2. The definition of that form of energy
3. Draw 2 picture examples

I put them into groups of 3 or 4, so that each group had one of each of the forms of energy.
I had them focus on getting their individual parts done today.

Instructions for assembly:
Cut a piece of construction paper in half long-ways (hotdog). Glue or staple the two pieces together end-to-end to make one long strip of paper.

Once the kids' strips are done. lay them along one long edge, side by side. Make sure to space them out before you attempt to glue.

Once the strips are glued and dried, form a big loop with the big strips. Glue or staple together.

If my less-than-stellar instructions are confusing, google "wind sock project"

Thursday - Students took their vocabulary quizzes. After, they finished up their projects. I taught them how to glue them together to make a completed project.

Friday - Parts of a Circuit
Today we took notes on the 3 parts of a circuit: Source, Pathway, and Load
After, we did a group activity. I bought an "Energy Stick" and we tested it out. I began by showing them the stick and asking about the parts of the circuit in it. I showed them how it worked and made it light up using only myself.

We then added 2 students at a time to the circuit until we had the whole class in the circuit. The kids were fascinated by the entire thing. They got so excited! It really got them interested and fired up about circuits.

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