Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Week 24

This week has been chaotic!

Mock STAAR test. We spent 8-12 mock testing. This was my first experience on this end of state testing. 4 hours of staring and pacing. But at least it's over...for now.

Tuesday: Body systems overview.
Here's a chart I made for my kids. We filled it in together to review the body Systems. They told me the names of the main organs in the system, the function of the system, and then created a simile.

System            Organs                      Function                           Simile (Like a ___________________)
Skeletal          Bones/Ligaments       Protect/support body             Like armor

(Apparently I'll have to upload this later as it's on my work computer)

They also used these printables from TPT and glued them onto a construction paper base.
I had my study skills helpers fold two pieces of construction paper hotdog style, then open them, and fold them in thirds so you get 6 squares per page. Then they glued them together to create a giant foladble.

(This picture is also on my work computer!)

Wednesday: Lab introduction

We're about to begin our 5 day pig dissection. I felt it important to brief them on safety and anatomical basics before we begin.

We began by discussing safety. I showed them how to properly hold and use a scalpel. We talked about why they want to use the scissors for most of the cutting (don't want to damage those organs!).

I took my pig out and showed them how to tie him down...with his arms and legs tied with twine by pulling the twine under the dissection tray.

We finished up by doing the first few sections of this alternative assignment. We discussed anterior/posterior/dorsal/ventral. I added a few safety questions at the bottom because I didn't want them to sex their pigs yet.
Alternative Assignment

We're focusing on external anatomy today. They'll determine the sex of their pig, its age, and look at the skin,  nails, ears, eyes, nose, and a few other bits and pieces.

Here's the lab guide we're using.
Lab Guide

We're doing the digestive system portion of the lab packet.

After this, it's only 2 WEEKS til spring break! I could not be more excited. I need a break of lying at the beach, reading, and knitting.

Peace to you all
~Ms. Kat

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