Thursday, February 19, 2015

Week 22 and 23

I've been so on point lately, I've managed to gather some free time. My favorite past time!

Week 22 looked something like this:

I took off, as my flight got in late. The kids did a measuring up over Structure and Function, and Levels of Organization. I managed to find an old MUp book on Amazon for $4, thanks to the Houston Goodwill. Score!

We played the well-loved trasketball to review for our Cells Test.

Cells Unit Test! The kids did pretty good overall.

New Unit alert! And one the kids were dreading.

I got a bunch of Eww and Gross, and general immaturity. It's kind of worn off in the days since. We started our unit with Vocab.

Joint, Ligament, Artery, Vein, Capillary, Enzyme, Neuron, Gland, Hormone, Gamete, Immunity, and Pathogen

We took notes on the Skeletal and Muscular Systems. I had intended for us to get the big skeleton model out and practice bone names, but we plum ran out of time.We did manage to fit in a brainpop or 2 on bones and muscles though.

Week 23

Circulatory and Respiratory Systems
I had this neat lab planned where they take their heart rate while sitting, walking, and jogging in place, but only 1 class got to do it. My kids are always a bit....hyper on Mondays.

Digestive system
This was an easy day as we'd spent time on this back in....I couldn't even tell you. We did chemical and physical changes in this system back in another unit so we grazed through it. They remembered most of it, thankfully. We also did excretory system this day.

Nervous System
The kids were really into the nervous system. We managed to do a mini-lab where they test their reaction time. One person held a yard stick to the height of the counter, dropped it, and the other had to catch it. I provided them with a conversion chart of cm to seconds, and they had to calculate their average of 3 trials.

Reproductive System
AKA the most uncomfortable discussion EVER. I'm completely comfortable discussing this among friends, but at that age, I didn't have any desire to learn about any of this, and it was highly embarrassing. I made them swear an oath at the beginning of class to be mature, and not giggle. I promised them giggle time at the end, and they utilized it right up.

Tomorrow we are taking a few notes on the Immune system, then watching a Bill Nye on Germs. I figured that since we're Mock Testing (ugh) on Monday, the kids needed a break. Plus, I didn't have time to create an activity with cut outs of white blood cells and all that so Mr. Nye will have to do!

Peace and Warmth,

Ms. Kat

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