Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Exit Ticket and No-Name Update

The new school year is just around the corner, and if your school is anything like mine, you're knee-deep in professional development. We've got 9 straight days of it, and I'm awash in a sea of activity, but I wanted to take a moment to share a few things.

First, an update to my No-Name board. I finally figured out how I was going to physically use the letters. I used double sided sticky pads to attach the letters to a poster board, and glued clothes pins along the bottom.

My school colors are actually Orange and White but I made the letters a few months ago before I got this job. There's no washing the PN-G Pride out of us life-long Indians!

Second, I wanted some type of Exit Ticket system. This is what I came up with.

I have little baskets set on each pair of desks (since my desks seat 2). I plan on putting an exit ticket for each student in these baskets. When the kids are walking out the door, they slip their exit ticket into a folder. Got it means they completely understood. Kinda means they are in the process of mastery, but need more work. What means 'jeeze Ms. Lynch I have no idea what any of that means!'

This is a very quick way to see if/how many your students understand the content, and how comfortable they are with their understanding. The exit tickets don't have names or numbers, so it's entirely anonymous.

Alright, back to constructing/planning/organizing for the coming year.  2 weeks til we begin!

~Ms. Kat

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