Monday, June 9, 2014

Class Scavenger Hunt

Greetings, scientifically-inclined minds! My name is Ms. Kat. I am 26 years old, and a soon-to-be 7th Grade Science teacher at the middle school I once attended (haven't gotten the job yet, but I'm hopeful!) I student taught there in the fall of 13, and substitute taught throughout the Spring semester. I kind of fell into teaching accidentally. I graduated from college with a BS in Biology in December 2010. I decided on a whim to go back to school for teaching, and enrolled with my college post-bac teaching certification program. As of January 2014, I am fully certified to teach Science in grades 4-8 in the state of Texas. I never thought I would become a teacher, but now I can't picture myself doing anything else.

Over the past few weeks, I have been working hard on putting together not only a portfolio of past work, but also of all lessons I've prepared for next year, should I get the job. So far, I have the first 4 weeks of school *almost* fully planned out, and another two prospected and somewhat organized. That's the whole first 6 weeks of lessons taken care of!

When I say *almost* fully planned, I mean I have each day's overview scheduled, mimios (our version of powerpoint) created, Prezi's done, Labs planned, group work outlined, projects thought out, examples of said projects created, and vocab lists selected and carefully worded.

 *whew* are you exhausted just thinking about all that work? Cause I am!

I plan on using this blog as a way of sharing what we do in our class. I'm a very hands-on and project-oriented teacher. I love foldables for vocabulary, poster-creating projects, powerpoint-creating projects, flipbooks, labs, group work, etc. Some of these ideas I have pulled from the internet. Others, I created using nothing but my own imagination.

To start us out, I'll begin with a first-week activity that is good for any class, any subject. I recall what first and second days of school were like. New class, introduction, rules, consequences, repeat 7 times. BORING!! Even as an adult in college, I couldn't stand that monotonous process. Why, then, do we expect our kids to handle it any better?

This activity is intended to break up that hum-drum day filled with rules and introductions. This is a scavenger hunt for commonly-used items in the classroom! Students are broken into groups, and must search the room for the listed items. When they find them, they use the color next to the item to make a circle or X in that color, essentially making a color-coded map of our classroom! This way, I don't have to keep answering questions about where the (map pencils, tissue box, pencil sharpener, etc) are. It gets the kids out of their seats, socializing, and having fun.

I created a diagram of my future classroom using Microsoft paint, then inserted into a word document so I could add the Name and Date spaces at the top. I have the great fortune of knowing the teacher I will *hopefully* be taking over for, and have seen the inside of his classroom. His room is almost exactly like the one I student taught in, so I have a leg-up on many of you who might not have seen your new classrooms yet. Feel free to use mine as a jumping-off point in creating your own!

*NOTE* I realized after creating this that I forgot to add Fire extinguishers. Those are kind of important, especially in a science room. Be sure you add those in when you're customizing yours!

Thanks for reading, y'all! I'm putting my nose back to the grindstone so I can finish off this first 6 weeks. See you all next week!

Ms. Kat

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