Sunday, January 3, 2016

Week 14- November 30- December 4

After a whirlwind of a Christmas vacation, I'm finishing up the 2015 lesson plans. Here we go...

Monday- We did an awesome, if a bit frustrating lab. I gave each student approximately 1/6th of a can of play doh. They rolled it out flat into a disc, and then used a plastic bug to press into the play doh, creating a fossil mold.  They took the bug out and then, after getting my OK, filled the mold with glue. In hind sight, we should have let the molds fully dry before putting the glue in. We left them to dry a full week, and the glue had somewhat stuck to the play doh in a lot of them. Oh well, the kids had a blast and came in every day asking if their fossils were done!

Tuesday- We took notes on the Fossil Record, the geological time scale, and continental drift. The kids then drew a fossil record using symbols as different species, and answered questions about it.

Wednesday- We did an activity on the fossil record. This was a 2-part activity. The first involved a set of cards, each with a plant or animal, its name, and the Era and Period it lived during. (primarily). The kids also got a copy of the geological time scale and had to use it to put the cards in order, essentially re-creating a fossil record. The used this to complete their lab sheets.

The second part was a packet that I found on Alief ISD's website. I cant find the link now, but if you google "Alief sedimentary layers pictures" It should be the first thing to pop up.

Thursday- We took notes on Weathering, erosion, and deposition. I can't find a picture of my notes for this, but our output can be found here.

Friday- What on Earth did we do today? I have a feeling we watched a video of some sort. That's what it says in my lesson plans, at any rate = )

~Ms. Kat

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