Friday, August 28, 2015

Week 1: Redux

Holy Cow, how did the first week go by already? Last year, it seemed to stretch on forever, and we had so much extra time!

This year, with slightly shorter classes (due to it taking so long for us to rotate classes, walk our kids to lunch, walk them to rotation, etc) we have been behind all week!

Let's go over some changes from the last post:

Monday: I think we got most everything accomplished. 1st period was a mess, because the P and VP talked to the kids for ages before giving them to us. We didn't even get to finish supplies, much less get to the slideshow.
The rest of the day went smoothly. Everyone else got to the slideshow.

Tuesday: JEEZE these kids are slow writers! Here is what I gave them:

Then, I sent them to the labs to fill in the blanks by using the key.

We didn't have time for scripts OR for the cups. Oh well. They did pretty good for their first time doing stations.

Wednesday: WHAT where did the time go?
My first 3 classes got the Input/Output page, practice page, and rubric glued in. My last 3 classes didn't get the rubric in.

I'm learning that 4th period is loud because they come from lunch. 7th is loud because they come from rotation. and 8th is loud because they're ready to go home. I'm losing time to rotating classes during all 3 of these and so they're always behind everyone else. Plus, my 7th and 8th are inlclusion (I have 5 in each class).
No one got to cut/glue their procedures in today.

Thursday: Safety!
I wanted to continue getting our notebooks ready today, but I decided to go ahead and start safety. We spent the day going through the list of safety rules. I told them tales of my high school and college days, plus the story of the 2 7th grade boys who were LITERALLY ballroom dancing around during a lab last year. We also did get to do the Before/During/After. I decided that since they're such slow writers, I'm going to have to make ALL notes fill in the blank, and shorter than I had anticipated.
We didn't have time to draw the safe scientist today. I just BARELY had time to explain Science Safe-T for homework.

Here is the WS. This is the only place I could find it online: Picture Worksheet

Today we played catch up. We glued in our procedures (not 7th or 8th), drew our safe scientist, and did our table of contents
(1-4 are the table of contents)
5. Input Vs. Output
6. Notebook Practice
7. Notebook Rubric
8. Procedures
9. Safety Rules
10. A safe Scientist

Since I had to create that Catch-up day, I pushed SCOOT back to Monday.

So far this year has been so much easier than last. My schedule is great. Most of my kids are sweethearts. So many have told me that I'm their nicest teacher and they love my class. One boy nicknamed me Ms. Joy, because I remind him of Joy from Inside Out. I must be a darn good actress.

There have been a few hiccups, a few frustrating moments, but overall this year is better. I have things under control. I have time to myself. I have much more sanity and comfort.

This will be a great year = )

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