Sunday, March 29, 2015

Week 26 and 27

Back from Spring Break!
a.k.a. The most needed and well-deserved holiday EVER.

I spent my break playing Assassin's Creed, Knitting (niece or nephew due in July), Teaching myself JavaScript and HTML, and planning out our Genetics unit.

This past week went by so quickly! I'm not complaining though. I can feel summer just around the river bend.

Monday and Tuesday:
To eat up some of the time until we could start a new unit (and hey, any excuse for a project) I had my kids do a brochure.

They were tasked with creating a theme park based on one or more of the body systems. All of my kids picked one and stuck with it. Here's a link to the rubric I created for this brochure:
Theme Park Brochure

We spent all of Monday and Tuesday on this project, and many of the kids weren't finished. I think it's because I spent so long explaining the requirements. In the past I've skimmed and expected them to read the rubric and that hasn't worked out  so well. I'd rather sacrifice some time up front to prevent constant confusion.

Here's the best brochure from the bunch:

Gotta love those Honors kids.

We played Trashketball to review the Body Systems Unit

Thursday: Body Systems Test

Today was originally slated as early release. The district pushed it back last minute for use after Easter for UIL. I decided to use today as a way to go over the test. The kids are doing better and better on my tests overall. I think we've finally found a studying and reviewing system that works!

This upcoming week is going to be CRAZY in the extreme.

Monday and Tuesday: STAAR writing
I will likely only have 2 or 3 of my normal 6 classes these days. To make sure no one gets ahead, and the kids get a chance to rest their weary brains, I'm having them watch Bill Nye/Magic Schoolbus/Captain Planet.

Today we're officially beginning the genetics unit (YAY)
As always, day 1 begins with vocabulary. Our words for this unit:
DNA (chromosome was a word during the cell unit so we'll just use DNA this time)
Asexual Reproduction
Sexual Reproduction
Uniform Offspring
Diverse Offspring
Inherited Trait
Dominant Trait
Recessive Trait

Thursday is an early release day before Easter. I will be at the oral surgeon getting my wisdom teeth out (EEP) and the kids will be watching the Bill Nye over Genetics. I'm equal parts excited and terrified. I am allergic to hydrocodone, so I'm not sure what they'll give me for the pain post-surgery.

Friday is Easter so no school!

I hope everyone out there has a safe and joyful Easter.
~Ms. Kat

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