Friday, September 25, 2015

Week 5- September 21-25

This was a week of gross bodily fluids. One of my students threw up in the trashcan next to my desk. The following day, while I was subbing for a 6th grade class, a girl had a massive nosebleed. Ugh.

Instruction went fairly well though.


We covered freezing and boiling point. We needed a little more practice in reading thermometers, especially when the lines are at different integers.


We took a quiz on the unit so far. The kids mostly did well. Some classes averaged a low A or high B. I was super proud, considering I was using questions from the TEKS resource system!


We covered solubility, including solutes and solvents. I told them to remember it as solUte, U got dissolved.
We did a mini-lab (demonstration) where we tested to see if salt would dissolve in water and vegetable oil.


We learned about mixtures and compounds. After notes, we read a story that I wrote, and the kids had to highlight any mixtures they found. They were pretty good at finding them! (sorry for my toe, the page wasn't stuck down properly!)

We finished up the unit (new info at least) with Solutions. We compared mixtures to solutions, then did another mini-lab. I set 4 M&Ms in a plastic container with a bit of water in it. We watched the sugar dissolve over 3 minutes. I had them start work on their Unit Review while we waited for the rest of the sugar to dissolve. When the M's floated up, we discussed how density can affect solubility, and how the mixture was still just a mixture. I stirred it up and took the M&Ms out and we decided that it was now a solution.

It was a great week, minus being puked and bled on. I think the kids are really getting physical properties. They have a unit test on Matter next week, so I guess we'll see!

~Ms. Kat

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Week 4- September 14-18

One of these days, I'm going to stop being surprised at how quickly the time is passing.

This week we started our first "real" unit (not counting lab safety and the scientific method).


Mass, Weight, and Volume. We took notes on a foldable, then did a Venn Diagram Together.


States of Matter. We took more quick notes (the kids and I are really liking the 10 minute notes), and then Watched the Brainpop on matter changing states. They filled in the companion Worksheet, and we went over it together.


Density. More notes, this time on a pyramid! I then had them make a prediction on which order a few liquids would fall when placed together. I then poured the liquids together to create a density column, and they checked their predictions. I believe we also watched the brainpop on Buoyancy (since they don't have one strictly on density).


Conductors and Insulators. Very short notes, that took longer than intended as I decided to discuss how electrons flow. I know we'll go over it again during Circuits, but I felt like they needed to know what makes something conductive (the density of its atoms). Insulators tend to have atoms that are less dense.

I then created a simple circuit and had the kids predict which ones would conduct electricity. I placed the objects into the circuit and we checked their predictions.


A busy, busy day. I should know better than to have anything else planned on a quiz day. The kids took their vocabulary quiz. After, we rushed through notes on Magnetism. My earlier classes go to do the activity where they once again predicted whether objects would be magnetic or not. My later classes (which are always behind) will catch up on Monday.

I'm ready for October to be over, and September isn't even done yet. Drill team is sucking so much out of my week. At least I don't have UIL this year. I'm also in the midst of buying a house (yay place of my own!) and impatiently awaiting the appraisal. We were supposed to close yesterday, but the bank is taking forever.

Hope your first month went well,
~Ms. Kat

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Week 3- August 8-11

Ah, our first Holiday of the year. I've got to admit, I'd rather the holiday come on a Friday. I need my Monday afternoon time to run copies and cut foldables and organize my room. I hate having Monday off.

Drill Team Practice started up this week. We're practicing the Finale dance from the first Pitch Perfect movie right now. Hopefully we'll be ready to go for the first pep rally (not that anyone knows when that is...)

This week was a bit crazy. Some things I got better at, others I'm slacking on. It's such a delicate balancing act.

Scientific Method Lab

Which side of a penny holds the most drops of water? This lab was mostly to get them familiar with the steps of the Scientific Method. They actually did pretty well for their first lab.

The only problem came when I asked them to do average. Most had no clue how to find the mean of 3 numbers. Apparently I was a little overly ambitious with that concept. To compensate, I had them order their 3 heads measurements from least to greatest (21, 23, 24) and then circle the middle one. We used that as our "average." Same for tails.

1. Put the penny in a pitre dish or similar plastic container.
2. Hold the dropper at an angle and rest it on the lip of the pitre dish
3. Hold the bulb of the dropper at a constant pressure, don't squeeze and release (helps prevent air bubbles)


I put my kids in pairs and had them do a comic strip that showed them doing the scientific method.
First and second period, I just told them to come up with a question. They were having a hard time, so I wrote questions on sticky notes and passed them out for the rest of the day. This worked much better.

Which will take longer to burn...a 70ct notebook or a 100ct notebook?
Which pen can write the word "science" the most number of times (until ink runs out), black, or red?
Which car will roll further when rolled down a 2m long wheel or dump truck?
Which popsicle stick will  burn the longest... regular wood or green colored wood?
Which brand of trashbag holds the most single sheets of paper...Target brand or Walmart brand?
Which battery lasts the longest when inside a flashlight...Duracel or Energizer?

They actually turned out pretty great. I had them writing good hypothesis' and steps to their procedure. They came up with some good fake data and revisited their hypothesis.

Next year, I might have them write out a question I give them, do their own hypothesis and procedure, then give them some fake data tables to interpret for their data. Some struggled with inventing fake data.


My kids took their quiz on the Scientific Method today. I also quizzed them on the tools we studied Friday. I wanted them to know which tool was used to measure mass, weight (force), temperature, and length, and the units for each. They also had to know what to do in each step of the scientific method.

They struggled on it. I need to revisit my scientific method graphic organizer and explicitly say what happens in each step instead of just a real example.

We began our first REAL unit! Properties of Matter! Just like last year, our first day is Vocab. I gave them fill-in-the-blank vocab squares and they had to draw a picture for each.

That's all, folks! Week 3 done and gone. I can't believe we're about to have our first progress report come out! Before I know it, it'll be Halloween.

Hope you're having a great new year!
~Ms. Kat

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Week 2- August 31-Sept. 4

Another week already feeling like it's flying by! I have a free moment, so let me go ahead and post what we did this week.


Science Safety Scoot!
I'm using this scoot from TPT
I edited out a number of cards to make it shorter. Since this was the first time we played, it took a bit of explaining, especially for the rules.

1. Chairs pushed under, no sitting!
2. Move to the next highest number (my desks are numbered and I matched the cards to the desks)
3. No talking!
4. Only people who are at a brain break get to do the brain break (to prevent a thousand feet stomping)

No one actually finished all 23 questions (and 2 brain breaks). Next time we should finish, since they'll know how it works.


1.Science Safety Quiz. I borrowed this out of a box of the old teacher's lesson plans. It's 15 questions T/F (10 modified).

2. Safety bookmark

I used this idea for our project this unit. Usually I like to do projects BEFORE the quiz, but there just wasn't time. The kids are going to make a bookmark using construction paper. They'll need to have the full safety rule written out, and a nicely colored picture illustrating their rule. I'll laminate these and give them to the kids.

I was going to take a grade on it, but only  my first 3 classes got to it. Oh well.


Scientific Method unit!

We're taking about the steps in the Scientific Method at long last. I used this Graphic Organizer. I had to edit ours because my kids are such SLOW WRITERS. We'd never have gotten done if I hadn't edited it.

Also, please note the word "Better" in the Question. We marked that out and wrote "taller" because I was trying to reiterate the importance of measurable questions. Better is an opinion, thus not measurable.
We also covered variables today. I'm going to TRY to make them identify dependent, independent, and controls every time we do an experiment. They desperately need the practice, as my 7th graders last year had NO CLUE.

I typed up this page. We did the first two together, and I let them try the third one on their own.


Ah, the first Measuring Up of the year. My 7th graders had been doing them for two years, so I never had to go into great detail as to how to do these, but this is the first time my 5th graders have seen one. We read together, and answered the guided questions together. I had them number the paragraphs, and go back and prove their answers since many of them are word-for-word. We'll grade these on a catch-up day next week, so I don't yet know how they did.


Tool time! I want to brief the kids on some of the tools they'll be using in class.
1. Triple Beam balance
2. Spring Scale
3. Thermometer
4. Meter stick and measuring tape
5. Graduated Cylinder

I made this handy dandy foldable. We filled in the notes together, then went to the lab to have them use the tools. Earlier classes got to use the thermometer and triple beam. Later classes, I skipped the thermometer (because there's a separate unit on that with boiling/freezing point) and they did triple beam balance. Those 3 afternoon classes are always so behind. We'll try to catch up on catch-up day.

Another week down, already. I can hardly believe it.
I can also hardly believe that I had the time and energy to make these bulletin boards. Our district theme this year is "Make your dreams come true." Our math teacher came up with the one about their dreams being clouds, I turned it into something about the water cycle. I was hit with inspiration for the Tangled "I've got a dream."

I drew our Rapunzel, and put these together in 2 short days. The kids are using blank notecards to make clouds, and some will do lanterns for the Tangled board. They're writing their dream and their name. Pics soon when I get them all put up!

Have a great Labor Day Weekend!
~Ms. Kat