Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Week 24

This week has been chaotic!

Mock STAAR test. We spent 8-12 mock testing. This was my first experience on this end of state testing. 4 hours of staring and pacing. But at least it's over...for now.

Tuesday: Body systems overview.
Here's a chart I made for my kids. We filled it in together to review the body Systems. They told me the names of the main organs in the system, the function of the system, and then created a simile.

System            Organs                      Function                           Simile (Like a ___________________)
Skeletal          Bones/Ligaments       Protect/support body             Like armor

(Apparently I'll have to upload this later as it's on my work computer)

They also used these printables from TPT and glued them onto a construction paper base.
I had my study skills helpers fold two pieces of construction paper hotdog style, then open them, and fold them in thirds so you get 6 squares per page. Then they glued them together to create a giant foladble.

(This picture is also on my work computer!)

Wednesday: Lab introduction

We're about to begin our 5 day pig dissection. I felt it important to brief them on safety and anatomical basics before we begin.

We began by discussing safety. I showed them how to properly hold and use a scalpel. We talked about why they want to use the scissors for most of the cutting (don't want to damage those organs!).

I took my pig out and showed them how to tie him down...with his arms and legs tied with twine by pulling the twine under the dissection tray.

We finished up by doing the first few sections of this alternative assignment. We discussed anterior/posterior/dorsal/ventral. I added a few safety questions at the bottom because I didn't want them to sex their pigs yet.
Alternative Assignment

We're focusing on external anatomy today. They'll determine the sex of their pig, its age, and look at the skin,  nails, ears, eyes, nose, and a few other bits and pieces.

Here's the lab guide we're using.
Lab Guide

We're doing the digestive system portion of the lab packet.

After this, it's only 2 WEEKS til spring break! I could not be more excited. I need a break of lying at the beach, reading, and knitting.

Peace to you all
~Ms. Kat

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Week 22 and 23

I've been so on point lately, I've managed to gather some free time. My favorite past time!

Week 22 looked something like this:

I took off, as my flight got in late. The kids did a measuring up over Structure and Function, and Levels of Organization. I managed to find an old MUp book on Amazon for $4, thanks to the Houston Goodwill. Score!

We played the well-loved trasketball to review for our Cells Test.

Cells Unit Test! The kids did pretty good overall.

New Unit alert! And one the kids were dreading.

I got a bunch of Eww and Gross, and general immaturity. It's kind of worn off in the days since. We started our unit with Vocab.

Joint, Ligament, Artery, Vein, Capillary, Enzyme, Neuron, Gland, Hormone, Gamete, Immunity, and Pathogen

We took notes on the Skeletal and Muscular Systems. I had intended for us to get the big skeleton model out and practice bone names, but we plum ran out of time.We did manage to fit in a brainpop or 2 on bones and muscles though.

Week 23

Circulatory and Respiratory Systems
I had this neat lab planned where they take their heart rate while sitting, walking, and jogging in place, but only 1 class got to do it. My kids are always a bit....hyper on Mondays.

Digestive system
This was an easy day as we'd spent time on this back in....I couldn't even tell you. We did chemical and physical changes in this system back in another unit so we grazed through it. They remembered most of it, thankfully. We also did excretory system this day.

Nervous System
The kids were really into the nervous system. We managed to do a mini-lab where they test their reaction time. One person held a yard stick to the height of the counter, dropped it, and the other had to catch it. I provided them with a conversion chart of cm to seconds, and they had to calculate their average of 3 trials.

Reproductive System
AKA the most uncomfortable discussion EVER. I'm completely comfortable discussing this among friends, but at that age, I didn't have any desire to learn about any of this, and it was highly embarrassing. I made them swear an oath at the beginning of class to be mature, and not giggle. I promised them giggle time at the end, and they utilized it right up.

Tomorrow we are taking a few notes on the Immune system, then watching a Bill Nye on Germs. I figured that since we're Mock Testing (ugh) on Monday, the kids needed a break. Plus, I didn't have time to create an activity with cut outs of white blood cells and all that so Mr. Nye will have to do!

Peace and Warmth,

Ms. Kat

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Comic Con and Cells!

I know this is a teaching blog, but I have exciting news about my lovely weekend.

First, week 21

Monday- Cell cycle and Mitosis

We covered cell cycle and went into the process of Mitosis (though not terribly in depth). We watched this video and though the kids didn't recognize the song so much, they enjoyed singing along. It's Mitosis

We also did a little activity with pipe cleaners to model the movement of chromosomes in Mitosis. Pipe Cleaner Mitosis


We took a good 20 minutes drawing a plant and animal cell in our Science Journals, and labeling all of the organelles. Since we didn't get much time for the matching cards last week, I drug them out again and the kids had a second go at them. They did much better this time.

Wednesday and Thursday

My kids had these two days to make models of either a plant or animal cell. Their group got to choose which, but each had certain required organelles, everything had to be labeled, and they only had certain supplies (as I was financing this on my own). We used pipe cleaners, yarn, beads, buttons, play doh, those fuzzy craft balls (like pom poms), and foam balls (cut in half). Here's a few pictures:

Friday- Levels of Organization

We took some notes over cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and organisms. It all seemed fuzzy to them until we did the activity.

We used graph paper to build an organ system. I'll have to edit this to upload a picture, as it's far easier and quicker than explaining.

And now for the fun!
I spent my weekend in Dallas (Irving, technically) at the DALLAS COMIC CON!
I've been wanting to go for ages. I missed going last Feb. and May, but I could finally afford the money and time this year.
I met a few friends up there since they moved to Dallas a few months back. I've known Brian since 10th grade, and his wife Karina since....when did the 2nd to last Harry Potter movie come out? Then.

I was ridiculously excited about this. A personal hero, the one and only Stephen Amell, was there. For those of you who don't know him, he plays Oliver Queen, aka the Arrow on the CW's show ARROW. Despite the thousands of people, and my ever-present social anxiety I waited in line for his autograph.

Look! There he is, in all of his glory. Well, maybe not all of it, but most of it!

And lookie!
His autograph! My first autograph. I still fluster at the thought. And this guy, let me tell you, he is amazing. Sincere, genuine, open, and plain happy to meet you. Nicest guy I've ever met.

Later that day, we had a photo-op with him.
He's so tall! Don't fuss at me like my mom did for not putting my arm around that gorgeous creature. You know I don't like touching strangers!

Sunday, I went back and got autographs from John Barrowman and David Ramsey
It was an amazing weekend. Best vacation ever. Surrounded by geeks and gorgeous men!

I'm totally done fangirling now. Promise.

Itty Bitty Felicity wishes you an excellent week
~Ms. Kat