Tuesday, June 9, 2015

End of the Year

Before I get started on those last two weeks of school, I have an announcement!


I'm moving to 5th grade Science!

Apparently, I did such a bang-up job with my 7th graders, they felt confident moving me to a grade level that was STAAR-tested. It's a huge compliment, and I'm so honored!

I've already begun planning in earnest. We had a curriculum/science dept meeting a few days after school got out. Two of us are staying, and we have 2 new people (just like last year, except I'm no longer one of those new people!). I managed to scope out what topic we're covering every day until Christmas. 10 points to Ravenclaw.

I'd also like to congratulate our 8th grade teacher, who earned an 87% passing on the recent Science STAAR!

Another congrats is in order for one of my awesome students, Sarah, who got every.singe.question right on her honors pre-algebra STAAR this year!

I've got loads of stuff I can't wait to share, but for now, let the summary of 7th grade commence.

Week I-don't-even-remember

Monday- We used plant leaves from my back yard, and a dichotomous key I created to identify leaves. The kids had a blast, and did pretty darn good at identifying these strange leaves.

Tuesday - The kids used their science journals to complete their Unit Review

Wednesday - Trashketball review game! Our last one of the year. The kids are just now getting really good at it too...

Thursday - Natural Selection Test

Friday - I bought a "Toob" (tube) of bugs from Hobby Lobby. They also have these at Joann's (and right now they're on clearance for $5 a tube, along with a bunch of other teaching stuff). I put two bugs at each station and a dichotomous key (that I created) and the identified each bug.

Since I knew that they'd probably be able to ID each bug without the key, I added an extra task. They had to tell me the correct pathway through the key using numbers.

For example

1. Has 6 legs                              Go to 2
1. Has 8 legs                              Go to 3

2. Has wings out to the side       Go to 4
2. Has wings pointing back        Go to 5

3. Has a large stinger                  Scorpion
3. Does not have a large stinger  Go to 6

If they correct answer was scorpion, they put 1, 3, Scorpion
They also enjoyed this activity immensely.

So what did we do during the last week?
Ohhhh boy. Well...

Our school went the entire year without a real air conditioner. We had a chiller placed on the main unit for the last few weeks (once it got hot). The school is replacing the entire system as we speak. However, under the threat of black mold, we were told to remove all of our personal items from the classrooms. Most of it is stored in the library (where they have coolers blowing). A lot of it got taken home. They took our projectors on Tuesday (so no movies). So here's how that week went.

Monday- Holiday
Tuesday - I got an episode of Doctor Who approved! We watched the Rings of Akhaten. This is personally one of my favorite episodes because:
A. The 11th Doctor
B. Clara Oswald and
C. What the Doctor tells Merry

I legit tear up every time I hear him say this. I needed it to be said, and I think the kids needed to hear it.

Wednesday - We began our Flextangles. These were tricky but fun.  Template

We spent most of the day coloring. Due to our insane schedule, I wasn't going to see my first few classes again for more than a few minutes, so we went ahead and cut and folded. I don't believe anyone ended up gluing.

Thursday - Our annual awards ceremony took place in the gym. We went to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd (as 3rd period attendance is the important one for accountability or whatnot) then to the gym. We got back into class during 4th. My classes finished their flextangles today.

Friday -  Today was both early release, and the talent show. We did the same thing we did yesterday, hitting 1st through 3rd, then going to the gym. Again, we reconvened during 4th. With no computer, everything packed up, and shortened classes, I just let the kids talk and play cards.

As is my yearly tradition (started last year during my student teaching), I had the kids all sign a t-shirt. Last year, each class had their own section. These went into a t-shirt quilt (which I just finished, approximately 1.5 years after I started it)

I wore this year's on the last day of school. The kids loved it. There were tears shed, letters of awesomeness written, hugs, and many promises to come visit me next year (and if I need anything cut or stapled, I have loyal volunteers).

I was really fortunate to have this group of kids. I enjoyed them immensely, and I think most of them enjoyed me too. I'm excited for next year (and maybe being the tallest person in the room for once).

Other exciting (but not school-related) news..

Immediately after school got out, I high-tailed it to Dallas (again) for the Summer Comic Con! Why go again, you ask? Different people were there! This time, I met Nathan Fillion (from Firefly and Castle), and two of the Doctor's old companions, Billie Piper (Rose) and Karen Gillan (Amy).

 I went as Clara Oswald (see #2 above)
Thanks to my mom for another amazing costume!

Hope you're all having an amazing summer!